viernes, 21 de diciembre de 2018


Our faculty has a lot of good things, but if I have to be critical with it I would say there is a lot of defects too.

In the first place, the infrastructure is very poor, for example, there are two blocks with restricted areas because of the risk of falling of part of the roof, and it has been like that for a long time, and to be honest, the paper barrier doesn't represent any security for us. 
Also, it doesn't exist the habitability conditions for a classroom, like the calefaction in winter, I mean, I understand this building wasn't designed to be a university, but the authorities must be responsable and take care about this thing so basic for the comfort of the students and the workers.

Another thing I would definitely change about the study programme is the methods of some professors when they teach us. It is very known the exigency in this career, but a lot of professors take advantage of this and the implant their methods of learning in base on the terror and the abuse of power, making the university experience really bad, generating demotivation and al lot of unnecessary stress. 

Finally, I would change the high costs this career requires because in spite of the economic benefits granted by the university, it is not enough and I think there are people discarding study this career for this, which is very regrettable. 

Well, like everything in life there are good and bad things, but in the case of our university there are some very urgent thing to fix, hope this happens soon. 

viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2018


What is your opinion about recycling?

The recycling is definitely something beneficial to the planet, because after all the damage occasioned for us, the reciclyng results like a very convienent solution to this. I think many people believes the reciclyng is only a big scale thing, but the truth is we can start living a eco friendly life doing little changes, like separate the kitchen oil or avoid the plastic.

What is your opinion about contraception?

I think the contraception methods are a responsable choose when we start our sexual lifes, but sadly there are so many problems referred to this. In first place, the information isn't good for everybody, specially at schools the sexual education is horrible, in fact, in many eduactional entablishment there is no sexual education at all. 
Second, the contraception means a hormonal bomb in our bodies, in that way we are attacking our organism and obligate it to act not in a natural way.
And finally, there is a very conservaty vision of this methods because the society believes that only the womans have to take care about the contraception. 

What is your opinion about legalizing abortion in all cases?

The abortion has to be legal in all cases and free for every women in the world. We can't think in take decisions about the body of someone else, because the responsability of have a child is really big and we don´t know the life of a pregnant women and the condition she will have that baby. Also, like I say before, the sexual education is horrible and not everybody has the access to contraception methods.

What is your opinion about "vertical ghettos"?

I think the vertical guettos are an answer to what the architects couldn't resolve for themselves. This type of edification bring bad consecuences to the city and the people, like there is no life in community, you can only see your neighbour in a very tiny corridor or in the elevator, there is no public spaces of quality. 
But, the vertical guettos are the possibility more convenient to the inmigrants are arriving to Chile, so there is bad at all, but I totally believe we have to start thinking in other solution to this problem. 

viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2018


Now everything is visual, we are constantly receiving images from everywhere, from the tv, while we are walking on the street, from our cell phones, and social networks like Instagram, which is basically a web platform where you only see photos are very used.

The photography it´s something really nice because you can stop the time in an important situation and keep it forever, and one of the things a like about photography is the good feeling it causes seeing a photo and you can go back for a second on that instant.

I enjoy seeing photos and take them too! I received a camera on Christmas last year, and I have been practicing when I have a little extra time free, but I'm always taking pictures with my cell phone too, something I really like is taking pictures of my dogs! I constantly want to take pictures of them, it's just they are so cute 馃槶馃挆, especially when they are sleeping. 

I think I don't have a favorite photographer or a favorite type of photography, but, for example, I think the photos of protest are really interesting. They are really intense and you can feel the adrenaline of the people, and obviously, the work of the artist behind the camera is awesome.

viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2018


When I was in senior thinking about what I would be mi whole existence I was really frightened. I think we can not asume the magnitud of our decisions at that point, it's a big responsability. Well, fortunately I picked the right choice (that's what I think now, nobody knows what will happen next) so I think I am kind of lucky at this aspect, because I can say I'm studying what I would like to do my entire life. Specifically what area of architecture, I don't know yet, but now I'm in a elective course called "Playscape" wich is about interventions in public spaces trough the crossing of the architectonic desing and urbanism. I'm really interested in this area of our discipline and I can see myself working at this in the future.

Well I would like to complement mi ideal job with hobbies, because I'm a person who easily gets bored with the thing I do, and sometimes that's not a good characteristic because I can't finish what I'm doing or I easily get distracted, so in thay way, I would do other thing apart of architecture, like circus activities.
A time ago I started practice swing, that is about doing tricks with flags, and malabarism (but I'm not so good yet), and I think I could defenitely dedicade to my passtime while I do what I'm passioned about.

viernes, 26 de octubre de 2018


I can even think about the simpsons without laughing. I´m used to have dinner with my family seeing this tv program, it´s kind of a tradition in my house.
My "fanatism" for the simpsons started when one of my closest cousins had to live with us for a while. and wow, she is a real adictive to the simpsons family! so when she left that adiction remained mainly in me and my brother.

What I enjoyed the most of this program are the funny ironic thematic or the ironic characters, like Marge´s sisters Patty and Selma, so haters and negatives or the Ned Flanders family, so excesivelly good and kind, I love them. And obviously the ironic humor that this program has, because topics like religion or racism are taking since a really sarcastic vision.

It´s so funny that every episode ended in such an absurd way, like something related to aliens or even the president of USA! Althoug this family seems to be normal, they definitely aren't, so if you haven't see this serie I recomend you let you sorprise and enjoy!

viernes, 19 de octubre de 2018


Holidays! what a great topic to talk about. I love holidays because it means you´re free to do whatever you want, like sleep all day, go out without any concerns, or travel if you have the opportunity.  My best vacation ever was the last year and I went to two wonderful places.

First, one of my best friends invited me to Puerto Varas so I went with her and her family. When we arrived I was impressed with the beauty of the landscape, the wonderful Llanquihue lake, and all the nature. We stayed for two weeks and I can say we enjoyed at maximum, we went to kayaking in the lake and we also went to the casino. I will remember that trip like one of the best, and I liked very much to share experiences like that with a friend.

But, the good part doesn't end there,  I also went to La Serena with my family, because my parent´s friends had recently moved and they invited us to know their new house. I'm used to the southern landscape, so seeing a different scene was really great, for example, we went to Valle del Elqui and it liked me really much. We stayed there just one week, but we enjoyed every day. 

viernes, 12 de octubre de 2018


Hello everyone!
Today I´m going to write you about a country I would like to visit. 
I’d love to go to every country in the world, but if I have to choose
one I would go to Greece.When I watched Mamma mia!, that is one of my
favorite movies, I was amazed because of the beauty of this country.
Well, a particular place I would like to visit is Santorini.  When 
you see a picture of this place, you can immediately fall in love 
with the landscape, the white and blue construction so characteristic 
and the beautiful beach. I love how the edification mixes with the 
nature creating a spectacular scene. 
Another reason I would like to visit Greece is the historic 
architecture that is in this country, like the Parthenon of Atenas. 
See the over time in the buildings must be so interesting and be 
there must be something magic. 

Well, I imagine tour this place must be so entertaining and charming!
Hope someday I can visit it.


Our faculty has a lot of good things, but if I have to be critical with it I would say there is a lot of defects too. In the first place, ...