The recycling is definitely something beneficial to the planet, because after all the damage occasioned for us, the reciclyng results like a very convienent solution to this. I think many people believes the reciclyng is only a big scale thing, but the truth is we can start living a eco friendly life doing little changes, like separate the kitchen oil or avoid the plastic.
What is your opinion about contraception?
I think the contraception methods are a responsable choose when we start our sexual lifes, but sadly there are so many problems referred to this. In first place, the information isn't good for everybody, specially at schools the sexual education is horrible, in fact, in many eduactional entablishment there is no sexual education at all.
Second, the contraception means a hormonal bomb in our bodies, in that way we are attacking our organism and obligate it to act not in a natural way.
And finally, there is a very conservaty vision of this methods because the society believes that only the womans have to take care about the contraception.
The abortion has to be legal in all cases and free for every women in the world. We can't think in take decisions about the body of someone else, because the responsability of have a child is really big and we don´t know the life of a pregnant women and the condition she will have that baby. Also, like I say before, the sexual education is horrible and not everybody has the access to contraception methods.
What is your opinion about "vertical ghettos"?
I think the vertical guettos are an answer to what the architects couldn't resolve for themselves. This type of edification bring bad consecuences to the city and the people, like there is no life in community, you can only see your neighbour in a very tiny corridor or in the elevator, there is no public spaces of quality.
But, the vertical guettos are the possibility more convenient to the inmigrants are arriving to Chile, so there is bad at all, but I totally believe we have to start thinking in other solution to this problem.
I agree the sexual education is so important
ResponderBorraris true that kids need a good sexual education. Is the priority